
I have a PhD in folklore, which is actually a field and not just a Simpsons joke. My major interest, both as a researcher and as a blogger, is the supernatural. This blog is dedicated to the supernatural in all forms of media, but especially as represented by the horror genre in film, literature, and video games.

If you like what you see here, please consider liking and commenting on individual posts and subscribing to the blog via the little button up on the top right. Like most academics, I’m all bluster and rage on the outside, but in my heart of hearts I live for positive feedback and affirmation via social media.

I write and edit my posts myself, and I reserve the right to screw stuff up occasionally. This is a blog, not a major news outlet. I do it, like most bloggers, because I enjoy it. I’ll do my best to keep everything in shape, but I’m just one bored nerd.

Occasionally my friends and fellow bloggers contribute guest posts. Their opinions are their own and don’t necessarily reflect those of the Enraged Academic.

I also review films, games and comics at HorrorTalk.com.

Regular Features

ReviewsI review a lot of films, books and games, because if there’s one thing I have plenty of, it’s time. Hah! No, seriously though, it’s because I make bad decisions. Stuff I review gets between 0 and 5 scoops.

NOTE ON REQUESTING REVIEWS: If you’re an author, film- or game-maker and have a book/movie/game you’d like me to review, thanks for thinking of me! I’m happy to consider your work, but only if it fits the theme and scope of the blog. Most importantly, it has to involve the supernatural and/or folklore, broadly speaking. I also generally don’t do slashers (though I may make exceptions), and never torture-porn or other ultra-violent stuff.

Film School: On occasion I’ll feature interviews with directors of horror or supernaturally-themed films (when the fates allow). Usually these are simple email Q&As, but may take other forms as well (fingers crossed).


I try hard to include links and citations to images and other media that I use from internet sources. In the cases of film and game reviews, the screen captures are my own unless otherwise indicated. There are a handful of stock photos floating around the place as well, which are designated royalty-free and no-attribution-needed by their providers. If these or any other media are used here in breach of copyright, please contact me and I’ll remove them right away.

Although I’m an academic, this blog is a personal project. Nothing I write or express here represents the views of the institution where I work. Text/rants/ideas/blame are all my own, and if for some reason you’d like to use them, please cite appropriately.

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

29 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey, Angry Scholar! Have you played Alien: Isolation? I’m currently loving it. It’s very difficult though and pretty terrifying. This coming from a guy who loves the movies and doesn’t play too many horror games. I was wondering if you’ve had the chance to play it yourself. I thought of you!

  2. Hi, angryscholar, me again. Two things: thing the first, I was wondering if you’d ever consider reviewing 2001: a Space Odyssey. It’s my favorite movie and one of the most influential science fiction films to date. The ending is firmly in the realm of supernatural, by my interpretation. Anyway, maybe you’ve got some thoughts on that, whether it’s too far in the realm of hard-scifi.
    Thing the second is I nominated you for the Liebster Award! It’s basically for networking, and I’m not sure if you’ve done it before or not. But, there it is, then. Have fun!

    • Hey, thanks very much! I’m not so up on the blogging lingo. I’m crotchety and old and don’t know what the kids are into these days, dagnabbit. But I appreciate the nod! I’ll have to think over your list of questions. Deceptively simple!

      Shameful admission: I’ve never seen 2001 in its entirety. A few tiny snippets here and there, but could never bring myself to endure the whole mess. (That’s not fair, I shouldn’t call it that not having watched it. But I generally don’t like Kubrick.) But if I have time I’ll try to get around to it.

      • Haha I was actually baffled by the lingo of this “award” thing, too! I’m going to be 31 soon, so I feel like I’m headed out of the majority of marketing and entertainment targeting arenas, myself. It seems like it’s a cool tool for sharing some limelight with other blogs, upon my inspection.
        And don’t be shamed by that admission. That’s probably the lump sum of nearly everybody who’s tried because 2001 is a really unwatchable film, and I love it for that reason. Super unorthodox. I enjoy Kubrick’s cinematography but I’m limited to Paths of Glory and 2001 as truly amazing films. The Shining was too much for me, man. I’d recommend watching 2001 in a way unlike you’d watch anything else. But I saw it in the theatre recently for it’s anniversary and it really is a jaw dropping movie with the way it uses minimalism to convey its images and tension. Aaaaanyhow, maybe I should write on it, huh? Hahaha!

      • Thanks very much for that offer! I’d be sure to emphasize it’s supernatural elements. It’s the best film I can think of to depict a kind of numinous fear. I’ll have to pace myself. I feel like I could write an encyclopedia’s worth of words about 2001.

      • Numinous! And you had a theology blog? We have much to discuss!

        But yeah, a guest post would be great. Especially since you’re clearly more knowledgeable about Kubrick films than I–I’ve only seen The Shining, Full Metal Jacket, and Clockwork Orange.

      • Numinous! Cool word right? Encountered it reading C.S. Lewis’ “Problem of Pain”, I think it was. And yes, I had a theology blog and I actually teach college age courses in Systematic Theology on the side of blogging about video games. Weird juxtaposition!
        Oh yeah, and Clockwork Orange… much more unwatchable than 2001. I understand the point he was making with Orange, but he made it very, very, very loudly. I don’t think I could watch that one again. Paths of Glory is an older black and white film by Kubrick on WWI that is absolutely gorgeous. May just be the most beautiful BnW film I’ve ever seen next to Seventh Seal and It’s a Wonder Life.

      • My whole research thing is belief. The numinous is like my bread and butter. Reading a piece right now by a British theologian named Jeff Astley–very good so far. We should talk.

        One of these days I’ll watch all these classic films I’ve never seen. In my younger days I had a stupid, pointlessly rebellious streak that mostly manifested itself as a resistance to anything labeled “canonical” or “a classic.” Now, much older and marginally wiser, I see the error of my ways.

      • I would definitely love to talk theology. It’s actually what I went to school for! I haven’t heard of Jeff Astley. Had to look him up.
        I don’t know if you have facebook or anything like that.
        Some classics don’t deserve to be called thus but for their influence and contribution. 2001 is definitely a classic, though.

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